A battery eliminator is a device that convert A.C. voltage in suitable D.C. voltage It is most common item in these days. They are mostly used in transistors, radios, tape recorders, record players etc. They are manufactured in different ranges like 3 V, 6 V, 9 V, and 12 volts. A most common battery eliminator consists of
1. a centre tapped or different tappings step down transformer,
2. a on/off switch, a band/rotary switch,
3. two diodes/four diodes (Bridge type) rectifier,
4. capacitors,
5. a choke
6. an indicating lamp fitted in box with main supply lead and plug on one side and a connector to connect the device is fitted on the other side and
7. two leads with battery clips are taken out to connect any device.
The transformer is used for reducing the voltage of 250/230 V to 0 to 12 volt. The band/rotary switch is used to select the voltage according to the range of voltage of the device to be used. The diode rectifier converts A. C. into D.C. The filter circuit consisting of capacitors and choke/ resistor is used to smoothen the pulsating D.C. into pure D.C. The other components like toggle switch is used to switch ON the main , the indicating lamp is used to indicate the working of the battery eliminator. In the battery eliminator, when the diodes are connected in Bridge form, the four diodes are needed.
DIODE- A diode is a two terminal electronic component that coducts current primarily in one direction because it has low resistance in one direction and high resistance in other
CAPACITOR –The capacitor is a component which has the ability or capacity to store energy in the form of an electrical charge producing a potencial different across its plate much like a small
rechargeable battery

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